Career E-Portfolio Tips

What is an e-portfolio?

  • A career e-portfolio, much like your resume, is a demonstration of your skills, abilities, and achievements as they relate to the type of position you are seeking.

Why use an e-portfolio?

  • You can include media:
    • text, files, images, multimedia, blog entries, links, audio, video, etc.
  • A portfolio for a specific job listing can demonstrate your professional capabilities and make you more attractive to employers.

It is a quick way for employers to access your relevant projects and achievements.

What type of content should be included?

  • All of the information provided in your e-portfolio should be employer focused.
  • Ask yourself questions to get started:
    • What can I do for the employer?
    • How can my skills and experience add value to the employer?
    • What skills or competencies am I able to demonstrate that could be used in this work environment?

E-Portfolio Platforms

E-Portfolio, Resume and Cover Letter

  • A career e-portfolio does not replace a resume or cover letter.
  • It enhances them by serving as a way to supplement, support, and extend your resume.

It gives employers the ability to learn much more about you and the work that you talk about in your resume and cover letter.

By Amber Samuels
Amber Samuels Career Services Fellow