“How to Craft a Spook-tacular Resume: The Dos and Don’ts of Hauntingly Good Job Applications”

🕸️ Lose the Lingo: Keep your language straightforward and avoid using unnecessary jargon and overly complex terms. Avoid any technical terms without any background information.

🎃 Creepy Contacts: Ensure your contact details are easily accessible and use a conventional email address – no unusual names like batwebdeveloper@email.com, spookydesigner@email.com, etc. If you are applying for part-time jobs on your campus mention your college email address.

👻 Haunt the Web: Bring your digital self to life by adding hyperlinks to platforms like GitHub, Behance, LinkedIn, etc. Shorten the links and avoid long plain text. Also check whether your website/portfolio site is Live and not drives the recruiter to a page not found error.

🪄 Customize for Each Haunt: Tailor your resume to the job description. Identify significant words from the posting. This could give you an edge over the other candidates in the pool of applications.

💀 No Personal Oversharing: Avoid sharing superfluous personal information like SSN, spiritual beliefs, age, marital status. They’re better left in the crypt. Beware of spurious companies. 

📊 Add Some Enchanting Metrics: Sprinkle metrics like potion components across your experience area. The phrase “increased productivity by 30%” sounds more impressive than “improved productivity.” Mention about the outcomes of your work towards a specific project and apply the STAR method:  Situation, Task, Action and Result.

📚 Student Insights: If you’re still troubled by student halls, talk about related courses to get an edge over recruiters. Mention your fellowships or scholarships like the dean’s award or title of Outstanding Student that you received during your academic term. You could also provide relevant curriculum and your GPA.

🧹Minimalist Marvel: Avoid turning your resume into a haunted house of design. Stick to a clean, consistent format with a font style that won’t haunt the reader. Avoid graphics and fonts that cannot be scanned through the ATS software. Add your creativity to your portfolio.

🌟 Spotlight Your Accomplishment: Bring your accomplishments, credentials, and volunteer work that align with the job to the forefront. Discuss your involvement in student clubs and any other honors you’ve been given apart from your academic term. Present your publications or books that you have released. 

🪄 Bewitching File Names: Give your resume file a name that doesn’t read like an incantation—avoid ‘resume,’ ‘resume1,’ or ‘ReSuMe.'”  Applicant tracking systems (ATSs) favor Word documents for resumes since they are easier to parse than PDFs.

By Adonia Sequeira
Adonia Sequeira Career Services Ambassador